8 Foolproof Ways to Make the Best Decisions Possible

Are you in a place where you need to make a decision about something? As believers, we often think that our choices need to be made by some mystical and divine knowledge, and that the ground will swallow us up if we make the wrong choice. But the truth is that God has given us minds to think and perimeters within to make our decisions. 

I pray that these 8 foolproof ways to make the best decisions possible will be eye opening and helpful to you:



Are you in the right place in your life to be making this decision? 

Ecclesiastes 3:1 clearly says that “For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” It’s not that everything in your life needs to be perfect and all your ducks need to be lined up in a row in order to make your decision. However, waiting for the right time, or a more suitable season, to take the next step, may not be a bad idea. 

Perhaps some circumstances that you’re dealing with need to be sorted out first in order for your head and heart to be ready to make a big decision. 


What are you basing your decision on? You may feel as though others are expecting certain things of you, which may be motivating you to make a decision in a certain direction you may not be ready, or even want, to make? Perhaps finances are the driving force behind a decision you need to make? Sometimes we can even make decisions out of a place of boredom, frustration, or restlessness. These are not good reasons to choose one option over another. 

I, for example, am an entrepreneur at heart. There is hardly a week that I don’t come up with some wild, wacky, and what I believe at the time to be a wonderful idea! However, when I’ve examined myself, I have often come to the conclusion that I’m ready to make the decision to pursue my flavour-of-the-week business idea because I’m feeling somewhat unchallenged, or because we’re struggling financially, or because I’m restless and want a distraction. After a few days pass, I am, without fail, so relieved that I didn’t pursue my latest scheme (mostly thanks to my dear hubby encouraging me not to make an impulsive decision).

The basis for every decision you and I make should be to glorify God, further His Kingdom, and/or serve our family and those around us. 



How do others around you feel about you making this decision?

One of my go-to verses when I’m faced with a decision is:

Where there is no guidance, a people falls, but in an abundance of counselors there is safety.

Proverbs 11:14

If one person isn’t encouraging of a choice you’re about to make, that’s okay. However, if you’ve run your choice by several trustworthy and godly people, and all of them are cautioning you that your choice may be unwise, my advice according to my understanding of Solomon’s proverb above, would be to listen, reconsider, and be willing to change course. 

I was engaged to be married when I was 18 years old, as a very new believer, to the guy who led me to the Lord. I thank God to this very day 30 years later, that He gave me the humility to listen to many godly people whom He placed in my life, not to marry this man. Listening to the abundance of counselors back then was truly the safest thing for me to do (and allowed me to marry the love of my life down the track!).

Check that you are not tempted to make a decision based solely on your emotions, or fear.

God gave you a mind, and He did not remove that mind when you came to faith! No decision should be emotion or fear based. 


How much time have you spent praying about this decision? 

If any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God, who gives generously to all without reproach, and it will be given him.

James 1:5

What a blessing! Only God can see ahead of us into the future, and knowing that with His panoramic perspective, He can and will give us the wisdom that we need, is such a comfort! 

Another great prayer to pray is exemplified by Jesus Himself, “Not my will, but Yours be done.” (Luke 22:42). Hold on to your choice loosely. Yes, pray specifically asking God whether you should be ‘turning to the right or the left’, or even lay your own desire before Him, but I’d encourage you to always leave Him to have the final say and have His divine way.

It may be your preference to choose one direction over another, but ask your Heavenly Father to graciously redirect you if that is not His best for your life. 

God is able and willing to guide you, my friend. He can graciously turn your circumstances by His Sovereign Hand to close a door and lead you to one He knows would be best for you to walk through. 



Does this decision line up with Scripture or does it contradict it? God will never lead you to make a decision that is contrary with His revealed will in the Bible. 

For example, if you are contemplating marrying an unbeliever, you do not need to wonder another moment whether you should take that step or not. 2 Corinthians 6:14 makes it crystal clear that this is not God’s will for you. 

God has already revealed His will in all things moral. Ignoring these will not lead to good fruit in your life. Cultivate a fear of the Lord and ensure that your choices do not contradict with God’s Word.

If you’re struggling to know whether the options before you line up with the Bible, ask a pastor or trusted older believer in your life. The greyer their hair the better 🙂


… he who makes haste with his feet errs.

Proverbs 19:2

… but everyone who is hasty comes surely to poverty.

Proverbs 21:5

Instant gratification should not be your deciding factor for making your decision. 

Let’s say, for instance, you saw a house you’d love to own. You think of your current house which is cramped and dated, and how wonderful it would be to move to this other gorgeous house. However, this new house will cause you to go into major debt, which would certainly take a toll on your family. 

Making the decision to move to this new home rather than perhaps make your current home work, may not be the best decision in the long run. God may be working in your heart to become more content with the home that you have. You could take some steps to make it more comfortable – get rid of alot of stuff you don’t use or need, perhaps, to make extra space. 

F.O.M.O. (Fear of missing out) could be impacting your decision. 

Have the patience to wait till the Lord makes a way forward, and learn to be content in your current circumstances if that is how He is leading you. 



Do you have peace about the decision you made? 

This element of decision making comes with a disclaimer. We need to keep in mind that “The heart is deceitful above all things, and desperately sick; who can understand it?” (Jeremiah 17:9). So if you do feel peace in your heart, but none of the people around you that you trust are feeling that same peace, that’s a red flag. Or you may feel peace on an emotional level about making a certain choice, but what you’re deciding to do contradicts Scripture. Stop and tell your emotions to step aside

Even peace in our hearts can be deceiving, and should not on it’s own be a confirmation that you’re necessarily choosing the right path. Go by all the other safeguards first, and if you still have peace, consider that a bonus blessing.


Lastly, once you’ve made your decision having prayed about it, asking God for wisdom in it, ensuring that it didn’t contradict the Bible, and with the blessing of godly men and women around you, all that’s left to do is to trust God. 

Trust in the Lord with all your heart, and do not lean on your own understanding.

In all your ways acknowledge him, and he will make straight your paths.

Proverbs 3:5-66

If you’re walking in His ways and seeking His face, you can’t make a mistake! He uses everything “And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” (Romans 8:28)

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