3 Concerns for Today’s Children That Only Parents Will Understand

Parenting is in danger of becoming extinct.

So many voices, influences, and authority figures vie for the attention of children today, that in countless homes around the world, the biblical role of parenting has fallen by the wayside.


This condition was driven close to home recently after our 16 year old daughter returned from a Christian camp. Within a week, she received a letter in the mail encouraging her that should she wish to pursue further conversations and support, the people she should turn to who could best help her would be her… wait for it… “Youth leaders!”

Wouldn’t everyone be expecting the address for reassurance and refreshment to be the child’s parents before other influencers and authorities? Evidently not.

Head over to Christianpost.com to read the rest of 3 Concerns for Today’s Children That Only Parents Will Understand.

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