The Secret Ingredient to A Joyful Marriage

Would you like to have joy in your marriage? Be on good terms more often than not? Laugh often with your spouse? Enjoy one another as friends? Who wouldn’t?!

Having an underlying joy in marriage helps a lot in making everyday life a blessing, and in overcoming the struggles that we face, at times, in our relationship.

Since the word “joy” is mentioned 176 times in the Bible, it is something you and I ought to pay attention to. The source of any true, inner joy, is the Lord Himself. Before I was a believer, I never knew the deep, genuine joy that I have discovered since giving my life to God. And I know that without this fruit of His Spirit, my marriage would greatly suffer.

A quick tip that I have learned to foster joy in my marriage, which I would love to share with you, my friend, involves the treasures that you place in your heart.

The Secret Ingredient to A Joyful Marriage

The way it works is that you consciously begin to observe when your husband does something worthy of praise; (<–Click To Tweet)

  • Did he go out of his way to please you?
  • Did he say a kind word when you were down?
  • Did he (finally :-)) do something you asked him to do around the house?
  • Did he give you a loving look while you were cooking dinner?
  • Did he read a story patiently to the children?

In Luke 6:44, Jesus says, “The good person out of the good treasure of his heart produces good, and the evil person out of his evil treasure produces evil, for out of the abundance of the heart his mouth speaks.

By following the principle of storing good treasure which produces good fruit in your life, you can accumulate the lovely gestures performed by your husband in your heart. You could even write them down when you notice ones worth storing! These in turn can be reached for and remembered when your husband upsets you, falls short of your expectations, misinterprets something you say, and irritates you.

What You Can Do To Bring Joy To Your Marriage

This is an art that I am still working on, but the habit of looking for the praiseworthy deeds of my dear man, and quickly tucking them away for a rainy day when I’ll need them, has become a way of life.

You can begin today, dear one.

No matter where you are in your marriage…

Or how long you have been committed one to another…

Even how you parted this morning when your man left to go to work…

You can start to train yourself (1 Timothy 4:7) to look out for those pearls that your husband says, the precious ways that he cares for you and your family, and the effort he makes to please you. (<–Click to Tweet) How wonderful to have these jewels stored up rather than carcasses of anger, bitterness, and resentment to grab in your defense.

They will shine brightly and sparkle as the Lord brings them to mind in times of hardship, argument, and frustration.

What can you find to store in your heart to remind yourself of, when hard times come in your marriage?

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